Tuesday, June 30, 2009


This is something that I wrote for the SPJCM student blog.

"Trying to assimilate with all our might,

The loads of information bombarded on us as we hold on tight,

In this single year roller-coaster ride where we bravely fight,

To hold our spirits high even though we wanna sigh

Blog we must to help us smile,

For it must shine our inner light,

Enlighten the world, make it bright,

Spread thy knowledge, for darkness should die"

Monday, June 29, 2009

Life at SPJCM, SIngapore

I'm back. Its been sometime (2 years to be precise) since I've been away from the blogger community. Its good to blogging again. The only difference this time around is that I'm not working for an IT company but have taken to studies. I am doing my MBA from S. P. Jain Center of Management, Singapore, Dubai.
The first leg of the program is at Singapore. Switching between the group and individual assignments, a couple of research projects, a case presentation in a single day, life has become banal !!! Have turned to blogging once again to rescue me from the clutches of insanity. Hope I can portray a true picture of the life of an MBA at SPJCMvia these ramblings of mine.
