Sunday, December 10, 2006

Gmat Preparation

Have come down to the office today. Had some work. (software engineers always have work on the weekends).. ;). As usual, the system has failed to respond. There's some problem with the connection. I cant connect to my client's (the devil) mainframe....So I am stuck....Next logical step......ummmm.........ofcourse......BLOGGING.......

What the hell, net connection's free of cost. There's a lot of time before this stupid system reconnects...So bloggin'. Of course went thru the recent posts of gurus in the pagalguy site (have to agree....its an amazing site). Got enuff gyan on how to go about prepping for the gmat, but when it comes down to putting those gyan to action, comes the trouble...

Have yet to decide on a date for taking the gmat. Will be deciding it over this month. Thats the first step towards glory. (actually only when one does this does one get a shock and start preparing)

Also have a dealine coming up this month end. Have that on my priority list. once I am done with that, then ill have all the time for this exam... till then....ciao


At 11:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send me the pagalguy website da. Really interested in seeing it.


At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you heard of ?


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